‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul with all your mind. And love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Matthew 22v37-39)
At St Anne’s we are an inclusive school. We consult with a wide range of agencies and partnerships to ensure the Emotional and Social Development needs of SEN children are met.
Inspired by Christian values staff believe that high self-esteem is crucial and aim to support and promote the emotional wellbeing of all children. On a daily basis the class teacher is responsible for the pastoral and social care of every child in their class, therefore this would be the parents’ first point of contact should further advice or support be required.
We have a trained Thrive Practitioner, Nicola Turnbull, who works with many children, parents and families to provide an additional layer of pastoral care. Thrive is a trauma informed approach to improving the mental health & wellbeing of children. She also offers a variety of opportunities for children to develop social and leadership skills through a range of Pupil Voice groups.
St Anne’s has and maintains close links with External Partnerships. In order to access the best professional advice, we also link with Local Authority and Private Providers of additional services, such as Occupational Therapy, CAHMS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) School Nursing Service, Social Services and Medical Professionals. We often hold multi-professional meetings in school so that parents are comfortable in the school environment and the child can join us easily, if it is appropriate.
As a school we have a very positive approach to all types of behaviour with a positive reward system that follows a restorative approach to behaviour management. We also operate Class dojo. The children are rewarded with green dojos for positive behaviour, friendship, teamwork, class work or kindness etc. Children can be awarded Dojo certificates or prizes and receive a certificate in front of the school. We also have a Star of the Week award and Citizen Award from each class, which may be given for academic or non-academic reasons, and often for things they do over and above the basic expectations in school. These systems are embedded across school and the children enjoy their celebrations and rewards.
We produce a weekly newsletter which goes to all families to share the achievements of pupils on a regular basis. Class teachers may also send a text message home to share positive news with parents/carers.