At St Anne’s we have a full range of childcare provision. These provisions include:
Breakfast Club
We have Breakfast Club on a morning from 8.00am. The children can participate in activities and enjoy juice, toast and cereal for the cost of £3 per child. Places can be booked via your child’s Arbor account.
Wrap Around Care
We operate wrap around care until 6.00pm daily. From 3.30pm each day a different activity is run by our dedicated staff. These activities include Lego, games, crafts, cookery, sports and film club. A snack is also provided e.g. toast and juice. The base for this provision will be the Nursery, with collection to be made via the Nursery entrance. The cost for this provision is on a tiered system, based on the time of collection:
Collected between 3.30 – 4.30pm £4.00 per child
Collected between 4.30 – 6.00pm £9.00 per child
Due to this provision costing £88.00 per night in staff costs alone, it can only be sustained if sufficient numbers attend. Should we not have the required numbers attend to cover costs, then we cannot guarantee the provision will continue, as it must not come at a cost to the school budget.
To book a place at wrap around care, please contact the School Office by 12 noon on the day the provision is required (unless in the case of an emergency). The charges for the provision will be added to your child’s Arbor account. You will have the facility to use Childcare Vouchers as payment, but unfortunately, we are not able to subsidise the costs through Pupil Premium Funding.
After School Clubs
Day | Club | Available to? | Cost and how to book place? |
Monday | Gymnastics* | Start date Monday 13 January
Children from Reception to Year 6 |
Cost £4 per session and payable on Arbor. Places limited to 20 per session. Collection from Main Entrance |
Tuesday | Jujitsu | Start date Tuesday 14 January
Children from Years 1-6 |
Cost £3 per session and payable direct to Coach after each session. Places limited to 25. Collection from Main Entrance |
Wednesday | Film Club* | Start date Wednesday 15 January
All children |
£4 per session – payable via Arbor. Places limited to 25 per session. Collection from Nursery Entrance. |
Wednesday | TASC Football | Start date Wednesday 15 January
Children from Years 2-6 |
Bookable via TASC Football. Collection from Main Entrance |
Thursday | Performing Arts* | Start date Thursday 16 January
Children from Years 3-6 |
£4 per session – payable via Arbor. Places limited to 20 per session. Collection from Main Entrance |
Friday | AJ Sports | Start date Friday 10 January
All children (does not include Nursery) |
Bookable via AJ Sports. Collection from Main Entrance |
*Children in receipt of Pupil Premium funding will have 50% of the cost of Gymnastics, Film Club and Performing Arts refunded by Pupil Premium funding.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office.