Welcome to Reception Class!
Summer 2024 Newsletter – Reception
A very warm welcome to our Reception Class here at St. Anne’s. We are so excited to welcome you in to our school Family. On behalf of Mrs. Davidson and myself we want you to know that you are very welcome and we feel so privileged that you have entrusted us with the care of your children.
We have made a great start in Reception, building relationships and learning new rules and routines.
Information for Reception Class
Leo the lion Leo is our class mascot. The children have been introduced to him this week. Leo will visit a different child each week where you can record your weekend fun to share in class.
PE – Alongside daily ‘Jump Start Jonny’ exercise and being physical in our outdoor garden we will also have a weekly PE lesson. Our PE day will be Friday. The children are to come to school wearing their PE Kit. This is a plain blue t-shirt with maroon shorts and velcro trainers. If the weather is cooler they can wear their school jumper over the top with plain leggings or joggers. (grey, navy or black.)
Phonics – Now that the children are feeling settled in to school we will begin our daily Read Write Inc phonics sessions next week. We will be holding a meeting soon in school with more information. (Details to follow.) To begin with your child will bring home a ‘reading for pleasure’ library book which they can swap weekly.
Worship – Worship is a big part of St. Anne’s life and we have already held a class worship to welcome our new families.
Early Years Fund – We do welcome a voluntary £1 a week contribution from families towards our Early
Years Fund. This helps fund extra craft activities, cooking and food tasting experiences throughout the year. Please could you bring this in, in a named envelope. Thank you.
Buddies – We do have a buddies system here at St. Anne’s where we will buddy your child up with a child from year 6. We will be starting this next week. This really helps our children to settle in and gives them a special helper around school to support and look out for them.
Tuck – On a Friday we run a tuck shop. The children can bring in 30p for a small chocolate bar. This money is to be brought in, in a named envelope.
Homework – The children will be set small homework tasks on a Friday from time to time. We ask that this is brought back by Wednesday so that we can get the books ready for the next week.
Water bottles – Children are to bring their water bottle in to school daily.
Spare clothes and wellies – Can we please ask that the children have some spare clothes to remain at school on their peg please. Can they also bring in a pair of wellies to keep at school for wet conditions.
Thank you.