Welcome to the Chaplaincy Team page.
At St Anne’s we understand that children are innately curious about life. Growing up raises lots of questions, some to do with their own experiences and some to do with their sense of wonder at the universe we live in and whether there’s more to life than meets the eye. We offer all children the opportunity to explore life’s big questions, develop skills of personal reflection and to explore prayer in an open, inclusive and safe environment.
We have a wonderful Chaplaincy Team who promote the Christian Ethos of our school, a very dedicated team who have a vital role in enhancing the Religious and Spiritual Life of our school. Their roles include leading Prayer and reflections during Worship and Liturgical events, and encouraging the children to be active global citizens.
Members of the Chaplaincy Team have been chosen by their classmates and staff as excellent role models for pupils in our school.
Statement of intent:
As a member of the Chaplaincy Team we are here to support people of all faiths and none. We are here to help people to feel safe, loved and cared for. To help people to think about, cope with and explore life’s big questions.
Reverend Brett, Miss Taylor and the Chaplaincy Team
Agreed Roles and Responsibilities of the Chaplaincy Team:
- We are here to be a good example to others.
- To grow the relationship between the Church and St Anne’s.
- To help plan and lead collective worship.
- To support other teams in school i.e. Charities, Eco, Global, Right 2B etc.
- To help us grow as a community, whatever our faith, and to promote our school vision and values.
- To encourage people to have time and space for prayer, peace and reflection.
The Chaplaincy Team meet regularly to review their Action Plan and consider different ways to enhance the Religious and Spiritual Life of St Anne’s. The meetings give a chance for every member to share their ideas and together make decisions about how to promote the Christian Ethos in school. The team work closely with Pupil Voice Groups to support charity events, develop global citizenship and to support people of all faiths and none in school.
Chaplaincy Team Action Plan 2023 – 2024
The Chaplaincy Team also monitor class display boards, class prayer areas and prayer spaces around school. They plan for key points in the liturgical calendar providing resources, support and ideas.
In the Autumn Term the Chaplaincy Team met with Rev. Brett from the local parish of St Anne’s and St Andrew’s. Together, they created a robust Action Plan to enhance the Religious and Spiritual life of school.
In the Spring Term the Chaplaincy Team have audited current Prayer Spaces and display in school and have made suggestions of possible items.
Prayer areas could include:
- Cloth – liturgically correct
- Religious artefacts – Cross/crucifix, candle, Bible (perhaps opened at a relevant piece)
- Link to scripture/message/ liturgical season (Rev. Brett to design)
- Plant/fresh flowers
- Prayer
Each class will be given a box of resources, added to at each key point in the Liturgical Calendar.
During the Spring Term the Chaplaincy Team have spent time looking at prayer in school. They have collected prayers from each classroom and Prayer Spaces in school. The team are currently working to choose appropriate prayers for each Key Stage.
In the Summer Term the Chaplaincy Team hope to update and develop the school Prayer Garden. The Prayer Garden will be a quiet and tranquil space for reflection, a place to converse with God or a quiet space to simply ‘be still’.
Another aim for the Summer Term is to develop Prayer Space Days for all Key Stages. Prayer Space Days are designed to be a lot of fun and give children and staff the opportunity to be still and reflect on many blessings and consider issues affecting ourselves, and others both locally and across the world.
The final aim for the Summer Term is for the Chaplaincy Team to recognise and reward kindness and service in school with certificates and stickers to children within school.
We are very proud of our school chaplains, the work they do and the example they set.
‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. And love your neighbour as yourself (Matthew 22v37-39)
Miss Taylor, Chaplaincy Team