Welcome to the Autumn Term in Nursery
Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back, or welcome to St Anne’s Nursery if you are just joining us. I hope you have had a wonderful Summer. I am very excited for this year and getting to know you and your families.
Please find below some information about the Autumn Term in our class that you may find useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. My email address is r.hart425@st-annes-pri.durham.sch.uk
My name is Mrs Hart and I am your class teacher, Miss Musgrave will help support alongside Miss Adderley who is our class apprentice.
- School uniform – black or grey trousers/shorts/joggers or skirt/dress, blue polo t-shirt and burgundy jumper or cardigan. Please note that children will get dirty and messy during their time at nursery as they are busy exploring. My motto at nursery is “A happy child is a messy child.” I would appreciate it if you could bring a bag with spare uniforms, pants, socks and tights. Please bring a water bottle which contains water for during their school day. Milk and snack will be provided for snack time at nursery.
- PE kit days – Every Friday afternoon. Following the school’s uniform policy, we would recommend that children should wear plain joggers/ shorts, a plain t-shirt and a school jumper. We ask that children don’t wear earrings on PE days or that they are taped up before they come to nursery on PE days.
- Tasty Tuesday – Last year, we decided to introduce new foods to help encourage children to try different foods. This has been a huge success, which parents supported. A we received positive feedback; this is something we are going to continue.
- At Nursery, we enjoy messy play, playdough, baking, hot chocolate for after outdoor play, biscuits and much more. We would really appreciate if you could make a small donation of £1 per a week to help us fund these resources and to make your children’s nursery journey as happy and fun as possible.
- Tuck shop is available on the last Friday of every term. Here the children can pay 30p for chocolate.
- I love receiving emails and pictures of your children exploring or on holiday. We like to show these on the large board for the children to discuss what they have been up to.
- As we are starting a new year, I would appreciate if you could bring something ‘Important’ into Nursery for the children to discuss with their friends. This could be their favourite toy, a book or picture, this will be returned home. Could I also ask that you please bring a photo of your child and their family for week 2, this will link with a story of the week and we will use these pictures to create a story book for the children to have in Nursery.
- Last year, we followed a Reading Strategy called ‘Dialogic Reading.’ Dialogic Reading is a strategy where, instead of reading to a passive reader who sits and listens to the story, we will utilise dialogue to engage them, we will read with them instead of to them. We will ask questions about what is happening, and what they think might happen next. We will use a technique to help us ask the children questions, this is called ‘PEER’.
P- Prompt, encourage the children to talk about the book
E- Evaluate the response e.g. that’s right
E- Expand on the response e.g. he’s a little brown mouse.
R- Repeat the prompt, e.g. can you say “he’s a little brown mouse.”
Below, I will add the books that we are going to read this term. We also have a little library in the Nursery Porch where you will find the same books and of other interest. I would love to see pictures of your children reading these books.
The books we will be looking at this term are
- A Little Bit Brave
- Families, families, Families
- The Three Little Pigs
- The Gruffalo
- The Little Red Hen
- Little Acorn
- Room on the Broom
Further information about the curriculum content can be found on our school website.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Hart
Archived information Archived Early Years