Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 5
Please find below some information about the Autumn term in our class that you may find useful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. My email address is s.steadman386@st-annes-pri.durham.sch.uk
I hope you had a lovely summer break. Welcome to year 5! My name is Miss Steadman and I will be the class teacher this year. This is a welcome letter to you all.
Year 5 PE days are Monday and Thursday, so please can the children be sent into school in full school PE kit.
Homework will be handed out on Friday and be expected to be in on Thursday. There will be an English piece one week and then a maths piece the week after. I would like your child to be reading every night as well, this should be written in the reading records. As well as this, your child should be practising their spellings ready for a weekly spelling test.
Hopefully we can get some school trips booked soon.
This term we will be learning about:
Literacy | Robot Girl, we will be learning all about AI and creating our own robot AI stories. |
Numeracy | Our maths this term is all about place value. In year 5 we learn numbers up to 1,000,000. We will also be learning about addition and subtraction. |
Science | Our Science topic this term is learning all about mixtures and separation. This will include exploring different types of mixtures and the appropriate methods to separate them. |
PE | Football and handball. We will have Lee in to help with Handball. |
Art | We will be becoming very creative this term, with self portrait sketches |
DT | NO DT this term. |
History | The history is all about What Happened After the Romans left? We will be learning about the Anglo Saxons. |
Geography | No Geography this term |
Music | Music will be learning how to appraise different songs. |
RE | RE is all about Judaism and why Moses is important to the Jewish people? |
Spanish (KS2) | We are going to be learning about different animals in Spanish and creating mini stories. |
Computing | Is all about being safe on computers and online. |
Further information about the curriculum content can be found on our school website.
If you have any questions or queries about year 5, please don’t hesitate to message me.
Yours Sincerely
Miss Steadman
Archived information
View our archived Year 5 information on our website.
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