Welcome to the Autumn term in Year Six
Please find below some information about the autumn term in our class that you may find useful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. My email address is r.weatherall341@st-annes-pri.durham.sch.uk. I will strive to get back in touch with you the next day at the very latest..
- PE for our class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The children can come to school in their PE kits. In the winter that needs to be dark jogging bottoms, blue T-shirt and school sweatshirt. If your child wears studded earrings these need to be covered up at home before school commences. (It’s easier to leave all jewellery at home.)
- Homework will be given every Friday. It will consist of multiplication tables, spellings and alternate weekly between English and Maths. Homework should be handed in by Wednesday and there will be a multiplication tables and spelling test on Wednesday.
- Reading books will come home each night and should be in school every day. Accelerated Reader quizzes can be undertaken in school as the children finish their book. We will be checking the children’s reading records on a Wednesday and looking for at least three signatures to verify that the children have read at home.
- We will have a major focus this term on improving our multiplication knowledge. Times Table Rock Stars is an excellent resource and children are expected to spend at least 15 minutes each evening practising their tables. The website is https://play.ttrockstars.com/ and children know their login details. Logins can be emailed home if required.
This term we will be learning about:
Literacy | Our writing will be based on the novel Holes by Louis Sachar
Reading Comprehension will be based on a number of short SATS style texts which will reinforce children’s knowledge in science and topic areas as well as increase their wider general knowledge. |
Numeracy | We will explore: place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and converting units of measurement. |
Science | We will look at Living Things classifying Big and Small. We will also explore energy looking at light and reflection. |
PE | We will play tag rugby, hockey, dodgeball and take part in gymnastics. |
Art | Craft and design: Photo opportunity |
DT | Textiles – waistcoats |
History | We will explore the Viking settlement of Britain up to 1066. |
Geography | We will look at mountainous regions around the UK and the world. |
Music | Advanced rhythms |
RE | We will investigate different types of religions in our region. |
Spanish (KS2) | We will use the familiar topic of The Romans to help improve our Spanish. We will also focus on introducing ourselves. |
Computing | We will investigate computer networks and create webpages. |
PSHE INC. RSE | We will look at families and relationships as well as health and wellbeing. |
Further information about the curriculum content can be found on our school website.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr Weatherall
Archived information
View our archived Year 6 information on our website.
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