Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 2
Please find below some information about the Autumn term in our class that you may find useful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. My email address is D.McHale311@st-annes-pri.durham.sch.uk.
We have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday each week, please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kit. Homework is given out on a Friday and is expected to be returned completed on a Wednesday. Each week your child will be given spellings and either a piece of Maths, English or topic-based homework. We will complete our spelling tests on a Friday. Please continue to support your child by practicing these spellings and reading regularly with your child at home.
This term we will be learning about:
Literacy | Our book this term is Wild by Emily Hughes. This will be the subject focus for SPaG activities and independent writing pieces. |
Numeracy | This term we will be focusing on place value. Following this we will focus on addition and subtraction. We follow the objectives on White Rose Maths. |
Science | Living things and their Habitats:
– Classifying things as living, dead or never alive. – Local habitats – Micro habitats – World habitats – Food chains |
PE | This term we are focusing on Hockey and Tag Rugby. |
Art | Our topic this term is ‘Drawing: Tell a story’.
The children will use charcoal, create textures, and use observational drawings to convey emotion and use detail to tell a story. |
Geography | Our topic is ‘Could a polar bear live in the desert or a camel cope in the cold?’
We will be focusing on location and place as well as reading a world map |
Music | Our topic this term is ‘West African call & response song.’ This term we will
· Use tempo, dynamics and timbre in their piece. · Play in time with their group. · Use instruments appropriately. · Successfully sing back the melody line in time and at the correct pitch. |
PSHE | Our topic is ‘Families and relationships’. We will:
· Understand that families offer love and support and that different families may be made up of different people. · Consider what friends may be thinking and feeling in different situations. · Recognise some issues that may occur in friendships and which of these may need adult help to resolve. |
RE | Our focus questions this term are ‘What can we learn from the story of St
Cuthbert?’ and ‘Why is the Bible special to Christians?’ |
Computing | We will be learning how to control Beebots using floor maps. |
Further information about the curriculum content can be found on our school website.
Yours Sincerely,
Miss McHale
Archived information
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