Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 4
Please find below some information about the Autumn term in our class that you may find useful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. My email address is p.coates451@st-annes-pri.durham.sch.uk
- This term our PE slots are Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon. Please come to school wearing your PE kit on those days.
- Homework is set on a Friday and to be returned by the following Thursday.
- Spellings will be sent home on a Monday and a spelling quiz will take place on a Friday in class.
- Reading – Accelerated Reader™ (AR). AR is a computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor your child’s independent reading practice. Children choose a book from the school library that falls within their ZPD level to read at home. When they have finished reading, they take a short quiz on the computer – passing the quiz is an indication that the child has understood what has been read. For more information on AR please follow: https://www.renlearn.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Parents-Guide-to-Renaissance.pdf
Literacy | Year 4 will be using Literacy Tree as a provision that provides a rich variety of texts that are thought provoking and enable children to practice skills to read and write.
Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold The undefeated by Kwame Alexander These texts explore Black history, allowing children to explore linked vocabulary that makes sense of the importance of tolerance today.
Numeracy | Year 4 will be observing place value of numbers up to 10,000 so that we are able to complete addition and subtraction of larger quantities. We will be working out the area of a variety of shapes. We will focus largely on multiplication and division, becoming Times Table Rockstars in our practice and revision. |
Science | Year 4 will be working scientifically to understand Animals, exploring digestion and diet. Using models, children will describe the function of key organs in the digestive system. We will identify the types of human teeth and investigate factors that impact our dental health. Comparing human teeth to other animals’ and take on the role of a naturalist investigating animal faeces for clues about diet, digestion and dentition. |
PE | Autumn 1 – Tag Rugby
Autumn 2 – Hockey |
Art | Year 4 will be drawing, creating their own power prints! We will be using mechanical engravings as a starting point, developing an awareness of proportion, composition and pattern in drawing and combine media for effect when developing a drawing into a print. |
DT | Year 4 will be exploring and creating their own electrical systems to produce their own functioning torch. We will Identify the difference between electrical and electronic products. Evaluate a range of existing torches and their features, then develop a new functional torch design. |
History | Year 4 will be learning about the Roman invasion, settlement and legacy, finding out about the Roman empire and its impact on Britain then and now. |
Geography | Year 4 will be revising the worlds continents to understand marvellous maps! We will identify the position and significance of latitude and longitude, equator, northern and southern hemisphere, tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic, Arctic Circle, time zones and the Greenwich Meridian. |
Music | Year 4 will be transported to the rainforest in exploring the use of body and tuned percussion. A topic of discovery; we will explore the rainforest through music and be introduced to new musical terms. We will create our own rhythms of the rainforest, layer by layer.
Year 4 will also be accessing sessions, provided by The Durham Music Service. On a Thursday morning we will learn to play the ukelele, playing joyful tunes, creating sound through vibrations. |
RE | Year 4 will be asked What do we know about the Bible and why is it important to Christians? We will use the Bible and explore Christian viewpoints and practices to identify an answer. |
PSHE | Year 4 will be learning about families and relationships, exploring how families are varied and differences must be respected; understanding physical and emotional boundaries in friendships; exploring: the roles of bully, victim and bystander; how behaviour affects others; manners in different situations and learning about bereavement. |
Computing | Year 4 will be applying their knowledge and understanding of networks, to appreciate the internet as a network of networks which need to be kept secure. We will have the opportunity to explore the World Wide Web to learn about content and what can be accessed, what can be added and what they can create. |
Further information about the curriculum content can be found on our school website.
Yours Sincerely,
Miss Coates.
Archived 2020-2021
View our archived Year 4 information on our website.
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