Welcome to Year 1 2021-2022
Year One worked together to create a dove of peace. Our class value is Peace. We all choose a different colour and printed onto the dove. We hope that you enjoy our work.
Year 1 summer term newsletter Year 1 summer term homework grid
Year 1 Welcome Letter September 2022
Year 1 History Boxes
In Year One, we have been thinking about History and how do we know about our past. Mrs Shields set us a challenge to find a different artefact from each year that we have been alive. We have also brought photos from our past. Thanks to our parents we found shoeboxes and filled them with artefacts (the name for objects from the past) and our photos. We have shared our shoeboxes with our friends pretending that we were visiting different museums and our friends were the experts showing us the different photos and artefacts.
Later, we have sequenced our photos and artefacts. Next we will write about what we were like when we were little!
A massive thank you to our homework helpers there has been so much discussion and hard work gone into everyone’s shoeboxes. Who knew what a sentimental bunch you all are! 🙂
Year 1 Medium Term Plan Autumn 2021
Year 1 Long Term Planning 2021-22
Year 1 Welcome Letter September 2021 (download)
Welcome to Year 1 2020-2021
Dear Parent,
Welcome back to a new school year and welcome to Year One!
- Welcome to Year 1 (Letter to Parents)
- Year 1 Long Term Planning 2020-21
- Year 1 Planning Autumn 2020
- Non Negotiable Parent Leaflet – Year 1 202021
Our Curriculum
You can find out further information about our curriculum and our curriculum plans on our website. View the End of Year Expectations booklet which provides information for parents and carers on the end of year expectations for children in our school. The National Curriculum outlines these expectations as being the minimum requirements your child must meet in order to ensure continued progress.
Homework Grids
Year 1 Virtual Visit
Year 1’s Virtual Visit to the Central Methodist Church with Paddington Bear.