Welcome to Year 6 2021-2022
Year 6 Welcome Letter September 2022
On Tuesday children from Years 3 to 6 took part in tree planting at Bishop Auckland Rugby Club. We were given this opportunity by Oases North East in recognition of the school’s success in being awarded the Platinum Green Trees Award last year. Before Christmas, KS1 classes were visited by Grace Johnson from Oases to plant seeds which will grow into trees of the future.
Children’s Church Council
Last weekend, one of our Year 6 children went to the Diocesan Synod as part of the Children’s Church Council. There are only two of these councils in the country and we are lucky to have one of them up in the North East, here in County Durham. William and the other Children Council members had to tell all present at the Synod, what their plans were going to be in bringing the Word of God to people in the area. It’s a daunting thing talking in front of so many people, and although he said he was nervous, William did a great job!
Visit to the Central Mosque in Newcastle
We are studying Islam in Year 6 this year and were excited to visit Newcastle Central Mosque on Tuesday 16th November. We were met by Brother Khadim who talked to us about the Muslim way of life. We looked at the way Muslims live their every day life and even heard a call to prayer for Muslims to come and pray at 1pm, just before we left.
Remembrance Poems
This week Year 6 children presented to Rev Matt their Remembrance Poems. Rev Matt was delighted with the children’s level of understanding of Remembrance and will present two of the poems at the Remembrance Service on Sunday.
Whizz Bang
Year 6 were lucky enough to be invited to Bishop Barrington this week to take part in a chemistry lesson. We found out how fireworks were made and how they produced different colours. We burnt different chemicals to see what colour flame they produced. We even decided what kind of firework we would invent. It was fantastic to work in a real science lab.
Outdoor Learning Programme
Working with Mrs Maddison from St John’s School, the Year 6 children have begun an Outdoor Learning Programme with the aim of structured adventure to facilitate learning both indoor and outdoor, across the curriculum. They will be taking part in a variety of activities including pitching a tent, reading a map, lighting a fire, tying a knot and packing a rucksack. The programme will also develop their skills in time management, working on their own initiative, planning/self motivation, collaboration, leadership and communication skills.
Year 6 Medium Term Plan Autumn 2021
Year 6 Long Term Planning 2021 – 2022
Year 6 Welcome Letter September 2021 (download)
Welcome to Year 6 2020-2021
Dear Parents,
Firstly may I welcome you to the start of what is undoubtedly an important school year here at St. Anne’s for your child/children. Year 6 is important for many reasons, whether it be because it is the final year of your child’s primary education, or the year in which they prepare themselves for moving on up into secondary school, or even because of the SATS (shhhh don’t say that word too loudly!). Please be assured that we here at St. Anne’s want the best for each and every child and we will endeavour to ensure that they all reach their potential, whatever it may be.
- Welcome to Year 6
- Year 6 Long Term Planning 2020 – 2021
- Year 6 Planning Autumn 2020
- Non Negotiable Parent Leaflet – Year 6 202021
Our Curriculum
You can find out further information about our curriculum and our curriculum plans on our website. View the End of Year Expectations booklet which provides information for parents and carers on the end of year expectations for children in our school. The National Curriculum outlines these expectations as being the minimum requirements your child must meet in order to ensure continued progress.
Class 6 September 2020
Normally at this time of the year the Year 6 children really look forward to meeting their Reception Buddies, however, this year we had to do things a bit differently. Instead of meeting in person our Year 6 class wrote letters to their Buddies telling them about all the lovely things they can look forward to during their journey through St Anne’s. The children really enjoyed introducing themselves to their little friends.