The overarching aim for English in the national curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written language, and to develop their love of literature through widespread reading for enjoyment. – National Curriculum 2014
Writing Intent
At St. Anne’s our pupils enjoy writing. Writing is a fundamental part of our curriculum. Writing is a powerful means of communication which builds on the spoken word. This vital skill is necessary to allow pupils to function, engage and contribute within our society.
Our Writing Curriculum provides a bespoke writing process built around- text led units, which develop vocabulary, reading and writing skills via a mastery approach. We have high expectations around the vocabulary children use. Through the rigorous teaching of reading a wide range of vocabulary is collected and defined to be used in independent writing.
Our writing process is sequential and builds up to a writing outcome. It reflects research and includes formative assessment, which then informs which key writing skills need to be taught. A comprehensive mix of shared, modelled and guided writing develops writing fluency and confidence.
Summative assessment is then used to inform future planning. Children are taught key writing skills through for each year group via: non-negotiable basic writing skills, mastery skills and feature skills which are genre specific. Standard language is used for writing across the school so children have a solid understanding of the writing process. Furthermore, we ensure that: children are taught the key features of a wide range of different genres; children have opportunity to write independently; assessment for learning strategies are woven throughout and that cursive handwriting is expected and taught explicitly and frequently from Year 2. Throughout the whole process we strive to engage the interests of the children and to widen knowledge and experience of the wider world, further afield than the immediate environment.
Writing is celebrated across the curriculum. Children have the chance to display and be rewarded for their final pieces to share with others. We want all children to be proud of what they have achieved.
Our Writing Curriculum reflects the National Curriculum and includes the National Curriculum aims of:
- transcription (spelling and handwriting)
- composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing).
- The National Curriculum requires that children are taught key skills and processes that are essential for writing. At St Anne’s we want our children to be successful at each stage of the writing process: · Planning · Drafting and writing · Evaluating and Editing · Proof reading · Reading aloud to others
- As part of this process, children are given opportunities to write for real purposes and audiences. Our pupils have opportunities to apply and showcase their writing skills across the curriculum.
It is paramount that children are rigorously taught correct letter formation from the very beginning of their time in school. At St Anne’s CE Primary School, we begin to teach handwriting by linking closely with the Read Write Inc scheme. Handwriting is taught progressively and in-line with the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Joined, neat legible handwriting is an essential skill which must be taught to all children. A consistently high standard of writing is expected across school in order to foster a sense of pride and respect in work.
Our Handwriting Policy and Progression of Skills provide further information.
Handwriting Progression of Skills 2024