Welcome to Year 5 2021-2022
Y5 Summer term 2023 newsletter
On Tuesday children from Years 3 to 6 took part in tree planting at Bishop Auckland Rugby Club. We were given this opportunity by Oases North East in recognition of the school’s success in being awarded the Platinum Green Trees Award last year. Before Christmas, KS1 classes were visited by Grace Johnson from Oases to plant seeds which will grow into trees of the future.
Today children in Year 5 welcomed Mr Johnson from Bishop Barrington School for a Fun Fitness Day. Mr Johnson was joined by a past pupil of St Anne’s and Sports Student Ambassador, who we were delighted to welcome back.
The children have enjoyed a fun packed day, understanding the importance of fitness and nutrition. Each child also received a goodie bag from Bishop Barrington School!
On Thursday 2nd December, Year 5 carried out a litter pick in the area around school. This was the final task to complete the John Muir Award, working with The Wear Rivers Trust. The children did an excellent job on a very chilly morning and were quite shocked by how much litter, particularly cigarette butts, that they collected from the streets near to our school. They have been fantastic ambassadors for St Anne’s whilst completing the award and Mr Browell and Mrs Parry are very proud of their attitude and enthusiasm towards all of the tasks.
Year 5 Medium Term Plan Autumn 2021
Year 5 Long Term Planning 2021-22
Year 5 Welcome Letter September 2021 (download)
Class Newsletter
John Muir Award (2021)
Welcome to Year 5 2020-2021
Dear Parent,
Welcome back to a new school year and welcome to Year Five!
- Welcome to Year 5
- Year 5 Long Term Planning 2020-21
- Year 5 Planning Autumn 2020
- Non Negotiable Parent Leaflet – Year 5 202021
Our Curriculum
You can find out further information about our curriculum and our curriculum plans on our website. View the End of Year Expectations booklet which provides information for parents and carers on the end of year expectations for children in our school. The National Curriculum outlines these expectations as being the minimum requirements your child must meet in order to ensure continued progress.
Cathryn Photo & Canvas
Cathryn made this beautiful canvas at school during the lockdown period. It was presented to the residents of a local home by our school chaplain on her behalf. Cathryn – Photo and Canvas (Eden House)