For 2020-2021
Special Interest (staff responsibility in brackets)
- Leadership and Management (Mrs L. Sixsmith)
- EYFS (Miss E. Taylor)
- SMSC and Christian Ethos (Mrs. L. Sixsmith, Mrs. A. Harrison, Mrs. C. Simpson)
- Safeguarding including PREVENT, CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation), Online Safety (Mrs L. Sixsmith, Mrs. R. Shields) and GDPR (Mrs. A. Harrison, Mrs. L. Sixsmith)
- Health and Safety (Mrs L. Sixsmith)
- Pupil Premium and Sports Premium (Mrs. A. Harrison, Mr. I. Bland)
- Finance (Mrs L. Sixsmith, Mrs. A. Brown)
- SEN and Disability (Miss E. Taylor, Mrs. A. Harrison)
- Children who are Looked After CLA ( Mrs. A. Harrison)
- Attendance and Punctuality (Mrs. C. Laidler)
- Parents (Mrs. L. Sixsmith, Mrs. C. Simpson)
- Behaviour and Attitudes to Learning (Mr. O. Browell)
Curriculum (staff responsibility in brackets)
- English (Mrs. C. Laidler)
- Maths (Mr. O. Browell)
- Science (Mrs. S. Millar)
- Computing (Mrs. R. Shields)
- PE (Mr. I. Bland)
- History (Mrs. L. Johnson)
- Geography (Mrs. E. Bennett)
- Music (Mrs. C. Laidler)
- Art and Design (Mr. O. Browell)
- Design Technology, Forest School and Food Technology (Mrs. W. Elsdon)
- Modern Languages (Mrs. E. Colman, Mr. R. Guy- St. John’s)
- RE (Mrs. L. Johnson)
- PSHE (Mrs. A. Harrison)
- RSE (Mrs. S. Barron)
Each of the above will be linked to an area of the School Improvement Policy (SIP), which is aligned to Ofsted Framework
- Leadership and Management
- Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
- Outcomes for Children and Learners
Governor Monitoring
Governors are linked to one curriculum area and one area of special interest.
Special Interests
Special Interest | Name |
Pupil Premium | Mrs N Brown |
EYFS / Nursery | Miss S Overfield |
SMSC and Christian Ethos Culture | Reverend M Keddilty Mrs A Smith Mrs S Ripley |
Safeguarding including PREVENT, CSE, Online Safety and Data Protection | Mr J Waine |
Health and Safety | Mrs A Smith |
Sports Premium | Mr J Monaghan |
Finance | Mr M Newton |
SEN and Disability | Ms S Overfield Mrs N Brown |
Children who are Looked After (CLA) | Mrs N Brown |
Parents- Parent Survey, Pupil Survey Pupil Voice Healthy Schools liaison. Attendance and Punctuality, Behaviour and Attitudes to Learning | Mrs A Smith Mrs A Smith Mr J Monaghan Miss V Howard Mrs S Ripley |
Curriculum | Name |
English | Miss S Overfield |
Maths | Miss S Overfield |
Science | Mr M Newton |
Computing | Mr J Waine |
Humanities-Geography, History | Mrs. N Brown |
PE | Mr J Monaghan |
Music | Mr J Monaghan |
Art Design Technology | Mrs S Ripley |
Modern Languages and National/ International | Miss V Howard |
RE | Mrs A Smith Reverend M Keddilty |
PSHE | Mrs A Smith Reverend M Keddilty |